3020.111—Limitations applicable to market dominant mail matter.

(a) The Postal Service shall inform the Commission of updates to size and weight limitations for market dominant mail matter by filing notice with the Commission 45 days prior to the effective date of the proposed update. The notice shall include a copy of the applicable sections of the Mail Classification Schedule and the proposed updates therein in legislative format.
(b) The Commission shall provide notice of the proposed update in the Federal Register and seek public comment on whether the proposed update is in accordance with the policies and the applicable criteria of chapter 36 of title 39 of the United States Code.
(c) If the Commission finds the proposed update in accordance with the policies and the applicable criteria of chapter 36 of 39 U.S.C., the Commission shall review the proposed Mail Classification Schedule language for formatting and conformance with the structure of the Mail Classification Schedule, and subject to editorial changes, shall change the Mail Classification Schedule to coincide with the effective date of the proposed update.
(d) If the Commission finds the proposed update not in accordance with the policies and the applicable criteria of chapter 36 of title 39 of the United States Code, the Commission may direct other action as deemed appropriate.