3002.14—Office of the Consumer Advocate.

(a) The Office of the Consumer Advocate provides representation for the interests of the general public in Commission proceedings. The office prepares and litigates before the Commission legal and evidentiary presentations in all formal Commission dockets under chapter 36 of title 39, U.S. Code. It also is responsible for maintaining a continuing litigation capability including preparation for consideration of issues likely to reflect the interests of the general public in subsequent proceedings.
(b) The head of this office is responsible for directing both legal and technical personnel to fulfill its functions. The office includes both litigation attorneys and a broad spectrum of technical expertise to analyze and evaluate the diverse economic, cost and market issues before the Commission. During the pendency of a proceeding, personnel serving in the Office of the Consumer Advocate are prohibited from participating or advising as to any intermediate or Commission decision in that proceeding pursuant to the Commission Rules of Practice.
(c) A mission statement regarding the Office of the Consumer Advocate is contained as appendix A to this part.

Code of Federal Regulations

[48 FR 13168, Mar. 30, 1983, as amended at 64 FR 37402, July 12, 1999. Redesignated at 72 FR 33165, June 15, 2007]