3001.36—Oral argument before the presiding or other designated officer.

In any case in which the presiding officer is to issue an initial or recommended decision, or another designated officer of the Commission is to issue a recommended decision, such officer may permit the presentation of oral argument when, in his/her opinion, time permits, and the nature of the proceedings, the complexity or importance of the issues of fact or law involved, and the public interest warrants hearing such argument. Such officer shall determine the time and place for oral argument. He may specify the issue or issues on which oral argument is to be presented, the order in which the presentations shall be made, and the amount of time allowed each participant. A request for oral argument before the issuance of an intermediate decision shall be made during the course of the hearing on the record.

Code of Federal Regulations

[36 FR 396,Jan. 12, 1971, as amended at 58 FR 38976, July 21, 1993]