61.67—Recovery provisions.

(a) If after 3 years from the date of award of a capital grant, the grant recipient has withdrawn from the VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program (Program); does not establish the project for which the grant was made; or has established the project for which the grant was made but has not had final inspection, VA would be entitled to recover from the grant recipient all of the grant amounts provided for the project.
(b) Where the grant recipient is not subject to recovery under paragraph (a) of this section, VA will seek recovery of the grant amount on a prorated basis where the grant recipient ceases to provide services for which the grant was made or withdraws from the Program prior to the expiration of the applicable period of operation, which period shall begin on the date of final inspection for which the grant was made. The amount to be recaptured equals the total amount of the grant, multiplied by the fraction resulting from using the number of years the recipient was not operational as the numerator, and using the number of years of operation required under the following chart as the denominator.
Grant amount(dollars in thousands) Years of operation
0-250 7
251-500 8
501-750 9
751-1,000 10
1,001-1,250 11
1,251-1,500 12
1,501-1,750 13
1,751-2,000 14
2,001-2,250 15
2,251-2,500 16
2,501-2,750 17
2,751-3,000 18
Over 3,000 20

Code of Federal Regulations

Example A: Grantee A is awarded a grant and does not bring the project to operational status within 3 years from the time of award. Grantee A may be subject to full recapture of the grant award.

Code of Federal Regulations

Example B: Grantee B is awarded a grant in the amount of $300,000 and brings the project to operational status within 3 years from the time of award. Grantee B then provides services to homeless veterans for a period of 6 years from the date the program was operationalized, but now decides to close the program. As the original award was $300,000 and as a condition of receiving the grant funds Grantee B agreed to provide services for 8 years. Therefore, Grantee B would be subject to the prorated recapture of the grant award for the 2-year period not served or in this case 1/4 of the original grant would be subject to recapture.

Code of Federal Regulations

Example C: Grantee C is awarded a grant in the amount of $400,000, becomes operational within 1 year of the date of the grant award and ceases operation 1 year later, 2 years after the date of the grant award. After the expiration of the 3-year period beginning on the date of the grant award, Grantee C would be subject to prorated recapture for the 7 years it did not provide service of the required 8 years of operation. The amount subject to recapture would thus be 7/8 × $400,000 or $350,000.
Code of Federal Regulations 1068
(c) VA will seek to recover from the recipient of per diem, a special needs grant, or a technical assistance grant any funds that are not used in accordance with the requirements of this part.
(d) Before VA would take action to recover funds, VA will issue to the recipient a notice of intent to recover funds. The recipient will then have 30 days to submit documentation demonstrating why funds should not be recovered. After review of any such documentation, VA will issue a decision regarding whether action will be taken to recover funds.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501, 2002, 2011, 2012, 2061, 2064, 7721 note)