Payment for services or benefits under §§ 17.900 through 17.905 will be determined utilizing the same payment methodologies as provided for under the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) (see § 17.270 ).
For spina bifida, on or after October 1, 1997, and must have occurred on or after the date the child was determined eligible for benefits under § 3.814 of this title.
For covered birth defects, on or after December 1, 2001, and must have occurred on or after the date the child was determined eligible for benefits under § 3.815 of this title.
Claims from approved health care providers must be filed with the Health Administration Center in writing (facsimile, mail, hand delivery, or electronically) no later than:
In the case of retroactive approval for health care, 180 days following beneficiary notification of eligibility.
Claims for health care provided under the provisions of §§ 17.900 through 17.905 must contain, as appropriate, the information set forth in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (a)(4)(v) of this section.
Dates of service for all absences from a hospital or other approved institution during a period for which inpatient benefits are being claimed,
Principal diagnosis established, after study, to be chiefly responsible for causing the patient's hospitalization,
Patient treatment information for all other health care providers and ancillary outpatient services such as durable medical equipment, medical requisites, and independent laboratories:
Health care payment will be provided in accordance with the provisions of §§ 17.900 through 17.905. However, the following are specifically excluded from payment:
Services, procedures, or supplies for which the beneficiary has no legal obligation to pay, such as services obtained at a health fair,
Payments made in accordance with the provisions of §§ 17.900 through 17.905 shall constitute payment in full. Accordingly, the health care provider or agent for the health care provider may not impose any additional charge for any services for which payment is made by VA.
(d) Explanation of benefits (EOB)—
When a claim under the provisions of §§ 17.900 through 17.905 is adjudicated, an EOB will be sent to the beneficiary or guardian and the provider. The EOB provides, at a minimum, the following information:
Code of Federal Regulations
(The Office of Management and Budget has approved the information collection requirements in this section under control number 2900-0578)