17.276—Appeal/review process.
Notice of the initial determination regarding payment of CHAMPVA benefits will be provided to the beneficiary on a CHAMPVA Explanation of Benefits (EOB) form. The EOB form is generated by the CHAMPVA automated payment processing system. If a beneficiary disagrees with the determination concerning covered services or calculation of benefits, he or she may request reconsideration. Such requests must be submitted to the Center in writing within one year of the date of the initial determination. The request must state why the beneficiary believes the decision is in error and must include any new and relevant information not previously considered. Any request for reconsideration that does not identify the reason for dispute will be returned to the claimant without further consideration. After reviewing the claim and any relevant supporting documentation, a CHAMPVA benefits advisor will issue a written determination to the beneficiary that affirms, reverses or modifies the previous decision. If the beneficiary is still dissatisfied, within 90 days of the date of the decision he or she may make a written request for review by the Director, Health Administration Center, or his or her designee. The Director, Health Administration Center, or his or her designee will review the claim, and any relevant supporting documentation, and issue a decision in writing that affirms, reverses or modifies the previous decision. The decision of the Director, Health Administration Center, or his or her designee with respect to benefit coverage and computation of benefits is final.