17.190—Recognition of a State home.
A State-operated facility which provides hospital or domiciliary care to veterans must be formally recognized by the Secretary as a State home before Federal aid payments can be made for the care of such veterans. Any agency of a State (exclusive of a territory or possession) responsible for the maintenance or administration of a State home may apply for recognition by the Department of Veterans Affairs for the purpose of receiving aid for the care of veterans in such State home. A State home may be recognized if:
The State home is a facility which exists primarily for the accommodation of veterans incapable of earning a living and who are in need of domiciliary, and
The majority of such veterans who are domiciliary members in the home are veterans who may be included in the computation of the amount of aid payable from the Department of Veterans Affairs, and
The personnel, building and other facilities and improvements at the home are devoted primarily to the care of veterans.