14.616—Form and place of filing claim.
(a) Form of claim.
Claims arising under 38 U.S.C. 515(b) will be prepared in the form of a sworn statement and submitted in duplicate. The original copy of the claim will be sworn to or affirmed before an official with authority to administer oaths or affirmations and will contain the following information, at least:
If property was lost or damaged, the amount paid or payable by the insurer together with the name of the insurer;
A detailed statement of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the claim, including the time, place, and date of the accident or incident;
If property was involved, a description of the property and the nature and extent of the damage and the cost of repair or replacement based upon at least two impartial estimates;
If personal injury was involved, the nature of the injury, the cost of medical and/or hospital services, and time and income lost due to the injury;
The name and official position of the employee of the United States allegedly responsible for the accident or injury, or loss or damage of property;
(b) Place of filing claim.
Claims arising in the Philippines under 38 U.S.C. 515(b) will be filed with the Director, Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office, Manila, Republic of the Philippines. Claims arising in other foreign countries will be filed with the American Embassy or Consulate nearest the place where the incident giving rise to the claim took place.
(c) Evidence to be submitted by claimant—
(1) General.
The amount claimed on account of damage to or loss of property or on account of personal injury or death shall, so far as possible, be substantiated by competent evidence. Supporting statements, estimates and the like will, if possible, be obtained from disinterested parties. All evidence will be submitted in duplicate. Original evidence or certified copies shall be attached to the original copy of the claim, and simple copies shall be attached to the other copy of the claim. All documents in other than the English language will be accompanied by English translations.
(2) Personal injury or death.
In support of claims for personal injury or death, the claimant will submit, as may be appropriate, itemized bills for medical, hospital, or burial expenses actually incurred; a statement from the claimant's or decedent's employer as to time and income lost from work; and a written report by the attending physician with respect to the nature and extent of the injury, the nature and extent of treatment, the degree of disability, the period of hospitalization or incapacitation, and the prognosis as to future treatment, hospitalization and the like.
(3) Damage to personal property.
In support of claims for damage to personal property which has been repaired, the claimant will submit an itemized receipt, or, if not repaired, itemized estimates of the cost of repairs by two reliable parties who specialize in such work. If the property is not economically repairable, the claimant will submit corroborative statements of two reliable, qualified persons with respect to cost, age of the property and salvage value.
(4) Damage to real property.
In support of claims for damage to land, trees, buildings, fences, or other improvements to real property, the claimant will submit an itemized receipt if repairs have been made, or, if repairs have not been made, itemized estimates of the cost of repairs by two reliable persons who specialize in such work. If the property is not economically repairable, the claimant will submit corroborative statements of two reliable, qualified persons with respect to the value of the improvements both before and after the accident or incident and the cost of replacements.
(5) Damage to crops.
In support of claims for damage to crops, the claimant will submit an itemized signed statement showing the number of acres, or other unit measure of crop damaged, the probable yield per unit, the gross amount which would have been realized from such probable yield and an estimate of the costs of cultivating, harvesting and marketing the crop. If the crop is one which need not be planted each year, the diminution in value of the land beyond the damage to the current year's crop will also be stated.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2900-0437)