270.5—Designated collection and distribution organizations for records of use of sound recordings under statutory license.
(a) General.
This section prescribes rules under which records of use shall be collected and distributed under section 114(f) of title 17 of the United States Code, and under which records of such use shall be kept and made available.
(b) Definitions.
A Collective is a collection and distribution organization that is designated under the statutory license, either by settlement agreement reached under section 114(f)(1)(A) or section 114(f)(1)(C)(i) and adopted pursuant to 37 CFR 251.63(b), or by decision of a Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel (CARP) under section 114(f)(1)(B) or section 114(f)(1)(C)(ii), or by an order of the Librarian pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 802(f).
A Service is an entity engaged in the digital transmission of sound recordings pursuant to section 114(f) of title 17 of the United States Code.
(c) Notice of Designation as Collective under Statutory License.
A Collective shall file with the Licensing Division of the Copyright Office and post and make available online a “Notice of Designation as Collective under Statutory License,” which shall be identified as such by prominent caption or heading, and shall contain the following information:
A statement that the Collective has been designated for collection and distribution of performance royalties under statutory license for digital transmission of sound recordings; and
Information on how to gain access to the online website or home page of the Collective, where information may be posted under this part concerning the use of sound recordings under statutory license. The address of the Licensing Division is: Library of Congress, Copyright Office, Licensing Division, 101 Independence Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20557-6400.
(d) Annual Report.
The Collective will post and make available online, for the duration of one year, an Annual Report on how the Collective operates, how royalties are collected and distributed, and what the Collective spent that fiscal year on administrative expenses.
(e) Inspection of Reports of Use by copyright owners.
The Collective shall make copies of the Reports of Use for the preceding three years available for inspection by any sound recording copyright owner, without charge, during normal office hours upon reasonable notice. The Collective shall predicate inspection of Reports of Use upon information relating to identity, location and status as a sound recording copyright owner, and the copyright owner's written agreement not to utilize the information for purposes other than royalty collection and distribution, and determining compliance with statutory license requirements, without express consent of the Service providing the Report of Use. The Collective shall render its best efforts to locate copyright owners in order to make available records of use, and such efforts shall include searches in Copyright Office public records and published directories of sound recording copyright owners.
(f) Confidentiality.
Copyright owners, their agents, and Collectives shall not disseminate information in the Reports of Use to any persons not entitled to it, nor utilize the information for purposes other than royalty collection and distribution, and determining compliance with statutory license requirements, without express consent of the Service providing the Report of Use.
(g) Termination and dissolution.
If a Collective terminates its collection and distribution operations prior to the close of its term of designation, the Collective shall notify the Copyright Office, and all Services transmitting sound recordings under statutory license, by certified or registered mail. The dissolving Collective shall provide each such Service with information identifying the copyright owners it has served.