251.64—Disposition of petition; initiation of arbitration proceeding.
After the end of the 45-day precontroversy discovery period, and after the Librarian has ruled on all motions and objections filed under § 251.45, the Librarian will determine the sufficiency of the petition, including, where appropriate, whether one or more of the petitioners' interests are “significant.” If the Librarian determines that a petition is significant, he or she will cause to be published in the Federal Register a declaration of a controversy accompanied by a notice of initiation of an arbitration proceeding. The same declaration and notice of initiation shall be made for noncommercial educational broadcasting and the satellite carrier compulsory license in accordance with 17 U.S.C. 118 and 119, respectively. Such notice shall, to the extent feasible, describe the nature, general structure, and schedule of the proceeding.