251.53—Report to the Librarian of Congress.
At any time after the filing of proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and any replies thereto specified in § 251.52, and not later than 180 days from publication in the Federal Register of notification of commencement of the proceeding, a Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel shall deliver to the Librarian of Congress a report incorporating its written determination. Such determination shall be accompanied by the written record, and shall set forth the facts that the panel found relevant to its determination.
The determination of the panel shall be certified by the chairperson and signed by all of the arbitrators. Any dissenting opinion shall be certified and signed by the arbitrator so dissenting.
At the same time as the submission to the Librarian of Congress, the chairperson of the panel shall cause a copy of the determination to be delivered to all parties participating in the proceeding.
The Librarian of Congress shall make the report of the CARP and the accompanying record available for public inspection and copying.