72.15—Preliminary Action Program.

During an initial interim period, the Action Program requirements, as described in §§ 72.11, 72.12 and 72.13 may be satisfied by local governments' submission of a Preliminary Action Program. The initial interim period shall end on January 1, 1981. Communities are required to submit four (4) copies of the Preliminary Action Program.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Sec. 1007(a) and (b) of Title X National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95-625, ( 16 U.S.C. 2506 ); sec. 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (34 Stat. 1262))

Code of Federal Regulations

[45 FR 54335, Aug. 15, 1980. Redesignated at 46 FR 34329, July 1, 1981, and correctly redesignated at 46 FR 43045, Aug. 26, 1981]