7.56—Acadia National Park.
Park Loop Road (except section from Stanley Brook intersection north to the gate at Penobscot Mountain Parking Area) and connecting roads as follows: Paradise Hill Road (Visitor Center to Junction Park Loop Road); Stanley Brook Road; Ledgelawn Extension Road; Sieur de Monts (gate to Loop Road); West Street; Cadillac Mountain Summit Road; entrance roads to Wildwood Stable.
Portions of Carriage Paths as follows: A section of Carriage Path 1.8 miles in length from the parking area at the north end of Eagle Lake down the east side of the lake to connection with Park Loop Road at Bubble Pond Rest Area. A section of Carriage Path 0.6 miles in length from Wildwood Stable to connection with Park Loop Road south of the entrance road to Penobscot Mountain Parking Area.
Lurvey Spring Road from Junction with Long Pond Road in Southwest Harbor to intersection with Echo Lake Beach Road.