The following are prohibited:
Damaging any plant that is classified as a threatened, endangered, sensitive, rare, or unique species.
Removing any plant that is classified as a threatened, endangered, sensitive, rare, or unique species.
Entering any building, structure, or enclosed area owned or controlled by the United States when such building, structure, or enclosed area is not open to the public.
Using any pesticide except for personal use as an insect repellent or as provided by special-use authorization for other minor uses.
Digging in, excavating, disturbing, injuring, destroying, or in any way damaging any prehistoric, historic, or archaeological resource, structure, site, artifact, or property.
Removing any prehistoric, historic, or archaeological resource, structure, site, artifact, property.
Excavating, damaging, or removing any vertebrate fossil or removing any paleontological resource for commercial purposes without a special use authorization.
Excavating, damaging, or removing any cave resource from a cave without a special use authorization, or removing any cave resource for commercial purposes.