230.9—Payment to landowners.
To be eligible for cost-share payments, a landowner must complete each practice within eighteen months of approval. However, if practice(s) are not completed in eighteen months due to conditions beyond the landowner's control, a six month extension period may be granted by the Service Representative.
Upon certification by the Service Representative that a practice has been completed in accordance with specifications, the federal cost-share payment will be calculated and disbursed to the landowner. Service Representatives shall have the right of access to the landowner's property to inspect practices for the duration of the practice maintenance period.
The amount of payment under the Program to any one landowner shall not exceed $10,000 in any given fiscal year. For each landowner participating in the Program, the payment limitation shall apply as follows:
Where any number of individuals hold common ownership, they shall be considered as a single landowner.
Where the individual is a partner, corporate shareholder, or has an ownership interest in another private legal entity, the amount of payment to the individual shall be equivalent to the percentage of ownership the individual holds in such partnership, corporation or other private legal entity times the payment made to such partnership, corporation or other legal entity.
Levels of federal cost-share funds to be paid to landowners shall be set by the State Forester, but shall not exceed 75 percent of the actual costs incurred by a participating landowner. Non-Federal program funds and other donated assistance may be used to supplement cost-share assistance under the Program; however, the total of all funds and assistance shall not exceed 100 percent of the actual cost of practice implementation.
A practice may consist of one or more component activities. A landowner may receive partial payment for completed components on the condition that the landowner agrees to complete the remaining component(s) of the practice within the time period specified by the Service Representative, not to exceed eighteen months following approval to implement the practice, unless an extension is justified as provided in paragraph (a) of this section.
Where performance actually rendered does not meet the minimum specifications of a practice due to factors beyond the landowner's control, the State Forester or designee may approve cost-share payment under one of the following conditions:
The landowner repeats applications of components previously implemented or establishes additional eligible components under such terms and conditions as the Service Representative may require, in which case, the State Forester shall approve additional cost-sharing for additional or repeated components to the extent such measures are needed to meet the objectives of the landowner forest stewardship plan; or
The practice, as performed, adequately meets the objectives of the landowner forest stewardship plan.
Where the landowner has received cost-share assistance for site preparation and the establishment of trees has been unsuccessful due to factors beyond the landowner's control, the Service Representative shall require that trees be re-established and shall approve cost-share assistance for such activity.
If a landowner sells, conveys, or otherwise loses control of lands upon which there is a continuing obligation to maintain a practice and the new landowner does not agree to assume the responsibility for maintaining the practice, the landowner who was originally obligated to maintain the practice shall be liable to reimburse the United States for all cost-share payments on such practices.
In case of death or incompetency of any landowner, the State Forester shall approve cost-share payments to the successor if the successor agrees to maintain the practices for the duration of the required maintenance period.
Any landowner who may be entitled to any cost-share payment under this subpart may assign the right thereto, in whole or in part, under the following terms:
A payment which is made to a landowner may not be assigned to pay or secure any preexisting debt.
Neither the United States, the Forest Service, the Secretary of Agriculture, nor any disbursing agent shall be liable in any suit if payment is made to an assignor rather than to an assignee, and nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize any suit against the United States, the Forest Service, the Secretary or any disbursing agent if payment is not made to the assignee, or if payment is made to only one of several assignees.
No cost-share payment or portion thereof due and owing any landowner shall be subject to any claim arising under State law by any creditor, except agencies of the United States Government.