230.44—Cost-share assistance—reporting requirement.

(a) FLEP cost-share accomplishments should be reported using the following standard categories of practices:
(1) FLEP1—Management Plan Development;
(2) FLEP2—Afforestation and Reforestation;
(3) FLEP3—Forest Stand Improvement;
(4) FLEP4—Agroforestry Implementation;
(5) FLEP5—Water Quality Improvement and Watershed Protection;
(6) FLEP6—Fish and Wildlife Habitat Improvement;
(7) FLEP7—Forest Health and Protection;
(8) FLEP8—Invasive Species Control;
(9) FLEP9—Fire and Catastrophic Risk Reduction;
(10) FLEP10—Fire and Catastrophic Event Rehabilitation; and
(11) FLEP11—Special Practices.
(b) All reporting must include activities and accomplishments for each category of FLEP practices.