230.39—State priority plan—financial assistance.
Cost-share financial assistance includes a wide range of activities and practices developed by a State Forester, in cooperation with the State Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee.
A State does not have to adopt a separate FLEP cost-share program if a State cost-share program already exists that meets the objectives of FLEP. However, FLEP funds must be accounted for in accordance with Federal financial accounting standards. If an existing cost-share program is used, a copy of the guidelines for that program must be referenced and attached to the State priority plan.
If a State determines that all or some of its funds will be placed into a cost-share program, the State priority plan must identify and describe how the cost-share funds will be made available to landowners participating in FLEP and expected outcomes and method(s) for documenting and evaluating accomplishments.
The cost-share section of the State priority plan must include all of the following information:
Describe any land ownership or annual acreage eligibility limitation under FLEP that is more restrictive than that established by the authorizing statute;
Define what constitutes a management plan if a State chooses to adopt more restrictive requirements than those established in this subpart; and
Identify aggregate payment limitations to any one landowner receiving cost-share funds through FLEP.
The State priority plan must also describe how funds identified for cost-share with landowners will be distributed and how cost-share rates are determined and established for each practice.
The State priority plan must describe the application and payment process for landowners interested in participating in and receiving cost-share through FLEP ( § 230.42 ).