The terms used in this subpart are defined as follows:
Capital investment or improvement. Durable equipment or assets capable of being amortized or depreciated over a period of 3 or more years, not including activities or practices carried out as part of the Forest Land Enhancement Program (FLEP) cost-share element.
Catastrophic natural event. Destructive natural event, which includes, but is not limited to, wildfires, insect infestations, disease outbreaks, droughts, floods, windstorms, freezing, ice storms, hail, sleet, mudslides, landslides, earthquakes, avalanches, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes, or tsunamis.
Chief. The Chief of the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture.
Committee. The State Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee.
Concurrence. Review, verification, and confirmation by the Responsible Official that the State priority plan contains all of the key elements required by law and the rules of this subpart.
Cost-share. A program payment, on a reimbursable basis, at a maximum of 75 percent of the cost incurred by a landowner for implementation of a State-approved activity or practice authorized under FLEP.
Financial assistance. Funds disbursed as an award by the Federal Government to an eligible party from the FLEP annual apportionment, in the form of money, including grants, agreements, contracts, and other arrangements.
Fiscal year. The accounting period, used by the United States Government, from October 1 through September 30.
Landowner. An individual, group, association, corporation, Indian Tribe, or other legal private entity owning nonindustrial private forest land or a person who receives concurrence from the landowner for practice implementation and who holds a lease on the land for a minimum of 10 years. Corporations whose stocks are publicly traded or owners principally engaged in the primary processing of raw wood products are excluded.
Management plan. A written plan prepared by a service representative and approved by a State Forester.
Nonindustrial private forest land. Rural lands with existing tree cover, or which are suitable for growing trees, that are owned by any landowner as defined in this section.
Practice. A prescribed, natural resource management activity that is consistent with a practice plan and implemented through FLEP to enhance the multiple resource values and benefits and that results in improved conditions on nonindustrial private forest land. A practice may consist of multiple components.
Practice plan. A plan prepared by a service representative and approved by the State Forester that documents the specific practices that are to occur as a result of a landowner application for cost-share. A practice plan may be a stand-alone document or it may be a part of a management plan.
Responsible official. USDA Forest Service Regional Forester, Area Director, or Institute Director charged with the administration of FLEP.
Service representative. Any person who is recognized by a State Forester as having the knowledge and skills to develop management plans, understanding of the economic and environmental interrelationships of forestry and/or agroforestry resources, and the ability to identify appropriate activities to manage, protect, or enhance such resources. The State Forester designates service representatives as the line officers to perform specified FLEP elements.
State. Includes each of the States in the United States, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
State Forester. The director or other head of a State forestry agency or equivalent State official.
State priority plan. The document required from a State to participate in FLEP. A State Forester jointly prepares this plan with the State Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee to facilitate long-term sustainability of nonindustrial private forest lands within the State.