230.30—Purpose and scope.
The regulations in this subpart govern the operation of the Forest Land Enhancement Program (hereafter, FLEP) as provided in Section 4 of the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act (16 U.S.C. 2101
et seq. ), as amended by title VIII of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-171). The purpose of FLEP is to provide a coordinated and cooperative Federal, State, and local sustainable forestry program for the establishment, management, maintenance, enhancement, and restoration of forests on nonindustrial private forest land.
The educational assistance, resource management expertise, and financial assistance provided under FLEP shall complement any existing Federal or State programs or programs offered through institutions of higher learning providing assistance to nonindustrial private forest landowners. FLEP promotes improved coordination and cooperation among Federal, State, and local programs regarding the establishment, maintenance, enhancement, and restoration of nonindustrial private forestlands.
Participation in FLEP is voluntary on the part of both the State and the nonindustrial forest landowner. To participate, each State must have nonindustrial private forest lands, a State Forester or equivalent, and a State Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee.