223.82—Contents of advertisement.
The time and place at which sealed bids will be opened in public or at which sealed bids will be opened in public followed by an oral auction.
For each timber sale which includes specified road construction with total estimated construction costs of $50,000 or more, the advertisement shall also include:
A statement extending to small business concerns qualified for preferential bidding on timber sales, under the Small Business Act, as amended, and the regulations issued thereunder, the option to elect, when submitting a bid, to have all permanent roads constructed by the Forest Service.
Notice that the prospectus referred to in paragraph (a)(5) of this section contains additional information concerning the options to have all permanent roads constructed by the Forest Service.
When timber or other forest products are offered for preferential bidding in accordance with the Small Business Act, as amended, the advertisement shall state that the offering is set-aside for competitive bidding by small business concerns.