223.47—Date of completion of permanent road construction.
The date of completion of permanent road construction obligations as set forth in the Notice of Sale shall be incorporated into the timber sale contract.
The date for completion may be revised, if additional time is needed, under guidelines provided by the Chief, Forest Service, including but not limited to (1) default of contractors or (2) design changes, physical changes, or catastrophic damages which necessitate modification of specified road construction work.
If Forest Service failure to perform results in delay in road completion, the termination date shall be adjusted in accordance with the contract term adjustment provisions of the timber sale contract. If there is substantial delay in performance by the Forest Service, the contract shall provide that rates of payment may be redetermined, at the request of the purchaser, in accordance with guidelines established by the Chief, Forest Service.
If the purchaser retains responsibility for road construction, the date of completion for permanent roads may be modified to conform to the approved plan of operation.