219.31—Maintenance of the plan and planning records.

(a) Each National Forest or Grassland Supervisor must maintain a complete set of the planning documents required under § 219.30 that constitute the plan for the unit. The set of documents must be readily available to the public using appropriate and relevant technology.
(b) The following administrative corrections and additions may be made at any time, are not plan amendments or revisions, and do not require public notice or the preparation of an environmental document under Forest Service NEPA procedures:
(1) Corrections and updates of data and maps;
(2) Updates to activity lists and schedules as required by § 219.30(d)(1) through (6);
(3) Corrections of typographical errors or other non-substantive changes; and
(4) Changes in monitoring methods other than those required in a monitoring strategy ( § 219.11(c) ).