SUBPART C—Cabins (§13.100 to §13.188)
- 13.100—Purpose and policy.
- 13.102—Applicability.
- 13.104—Definitions.
- 13.108—Permit application procedures.
- 13.110—Notice and comment on proposed permit.
- 13.112—Permit revocation.
- 13.114—Appeal procedures.
- 13.116—Permittee's interest.
- 13.118—Cabin site compatibility.
- 13.120—Access.
- 13.122—Abandonment.
- 13.124—Emergency use.
- 13.126—Authorized cabin use and occupancy.
- 13.130—New cabins and other structures otherwise authorized.
- 13.136—Use and/or occupancy pursuant to a valid existing lease or permit.
- 13.138—Renewal.
- 13.140—Denial of renewal.
- 13.142—Transfer.
- 13.144—Use and occupancy of a cabin prior to December 18, 1973.
- 13.146—Use and occupancy of a cabin between December 18, 1973 and December 1, 1978.
- 13.148—Permit application.
- 13.149—Permit application deadline.
- 13.150—Use for authorized commercial fishing activities.
- 13.160—Use of cabins for subsistence purposes.
- 13.161—Permit application.
- 13.162—Permit issuance.
- 13.164—Permit terms.
- 13.166—Temporary facilities.
- 13.168—Shared use.
- 13.170—General public use cabins.
- 13.172—Management of public use cabins.
- 13.176—Cabins in wilderness areas.
- 13.182—Temporary facilities.
- 13.184—Permit application.
- 13.186—Permit issuance.
- 13.188—Permit terms.