13.903—Subsistence use of off-road vehicles.
Operating a motor vehicle off road is prohibited except by authorized residents as defined in this section when engaged in subsistence uses. For purposes of this section, “authorized residents” means residents of the Cantwell resident zone community as defined by this subpart or those residents of Alaska Game Management Unit 13E holding a permit issued under § 13.440 of this part. Operating a motor vehicle off road for subsistence purposes outside any trail or area designated by this section is prohibited. A map and GPS coordinates of designated trails and areas are available on the park website and at the park visitor center.
Authorized residents may operate vehicles off road only in the following designated areas and trails:
A trail or area along the Bull River Floodplain designated by the superintendent under paragraph (b) of this section.
The superintendent may designate a trail or area along the Bull River Floodplain Corridor for motor vehicle use by authorized residents if the superintendent determines that the following conditions are met:
Off-road vehicle use continues to be necessary for reasonable access to the Bull River for subsistence resources by authorized residents.
The superintendent may restrict or prohibit motor vehicle use authorized by this section in accordance with § 13.460(b) of this part. The Superintendent will notify the public of the proposed restriction or closure by issuing a press release, posting at local post offices, posting on the park website, posting signs at designated trails or areas if appropriate, use of electronic media, and via other appropriate means.