13.2—Applicability and scope.

(a) The regulations contained in part 13 are prescribed for the proper use and management of park areas in Alaska and supplement the general regulations of this chapter. The general regulations contained in this chapter are applicable except as modified by part 13.
(b) Subparts A through F contain regulations applicable to park areas. Such regulations amend in part the general regulations contained in this chapter. The regulations in subparts A through F govern use and management, including subsistence activities, within the park areas, except as modified by special park regulations in subparts H through V.
(c) Subpart F contains regulations applicable to subsistence uses. Such regulations apply on federally owned lands and interests therein within park areas where subsistence is authorized. Subsistence uses are not allowed in Kenai Fjords National Park, Katmai National Park, Glacier Bay National Park, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Sitka National Historical Park, the former Mt. McKinley National Park. The regulations in subpart F amend in part the general regulations contained in this chapter and the regulations contained in subparts A through C of part 13.
(d) Subparts H through V contain special regulations for specific park areas. Such regulations amend in part the general regulations contained in this chapter and the regulations contained in subparts A through F of part 13.
(e) Subpart E of this part 13 contains regulations applicable to authorized visitor service providers operating within certain park areas. The regulations in subpart E amend in part the general regulations contained in this chapter.
(f) For purposes of this chapter, “federally owned lands” does not include those land interests:
(1) Tentatively approved to the State of Alaska; or
(2) Conveyed by an interim conveyance to a Native corporation.