1280.102—When do NARA regional records services facilities allow other groups to use their public areas for events?

(a) Although NARA regional records services facility auditoriums and other public spaces in the facility buildings and the facility grounds are intended primarily for the use of the NARA regional records services facility in carrying out its programs, you may request to use one of these areas for lectures, seminars, meetings, and similar activities when these activities are:
(1) Sponsored, cosponsored, or authorized by the NARA regional records services facility;
(2) To further NARA's interests; and
(3) Scheduled so as not to interfere with the normal operation of the NARA regional records services facility.
(b) Your event at the NARA regional records services facility must be for the benefit of or in connection with the mission and programs of NARA.
(c) You must ask permission to use a public area at a NARA regional records services facility from the director of that facility (see 36 CFR 1253.6 for a list of addresses).
(d) NARA regional records services facilities will not allow use of any auditoriums or other public spaces for any activities that involve:
(1) Profit making;
(2) Commercial advertising and sales;
(3) Partisan political activities;
(4) Sectarian activities, or other similar activities; or
(5) Any use inconsistent with those authorized in this section.
(e) You may not charge admission fees, indirect assessment, or take any other kind of monetary collection at the event.
(f) You will be assessed a charge by the facility director to reimburse the Government for expenses incurred as a result of the your use of the facility.