1270.46—Notice of intent to disclose Presidential records.
The Archivist or his designee shall notify a former President or his designated representative(s) before any Presidential records of his Administration are disclosed.
Specify whether the requested records contain materials to which access would otherwise be restricted pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 2204(a) and identify the category of restriction within which the record to be disclosed falls; and
If, after receiving the notice required by paragraph (a) of this section, a former President raises rights or privileges which he believes should preclude the disclosure of a Presidential record, and the Archivist nevertheless determines that the record in question should be disclosed, in whole or in part, the Archivist shall notify the former President or his representative of this determination. The notice given by the Archivist or his designee shall:
The Archivist shall not disclose any records covered by any notice required by paragraph (a) or (c) of this section for at least 30 calendar days from receipt of the notice by the former President, unless a shorter time period is required by a demand for Presidential records under § 1270.44.
Copies of all notices provided to former Presidents under this section shall be provided at the same time to the incumbent President.