1260.70—Can previously released Executive Branch information be reclassified or have its classification restored?

(a) Records that were properly declassified in accordance with EO 12958, as amended, (or predecessor orders) and that have been released may be temporarily closed and considered for reclassification at the request of an agency. Final action must be taken under the personal authority of the agency head or deputy agency head, who determines in writing within 20 workdays that the reclassification of the information is necessary in the interest of the national security. In addition, the information must be reasonably recoverable in accordance with section 1.7(c) of the Order and section 2001.13(a) of the Implementing Directive ( 32 CFR 2001.13(a) ).
(b) Records that were not properly declassified in accordance with EO 12958, as amended, (or predecessor orders) remain classified. Upon notification, NARA will take administrative action to restore markings and controls, as appropriate. In the event that records have been released, they may be temporarily closed and their classification reviewed at the request of an agency. The agency must notify NARA of the results of the review within 30 days.
(c) Agencies must submit all requests in writing. If the urgency of the request precludes a written request, an authorized agency official may make a preliminary request by telephone and follow up with a written request within 5 working days. Requests concerning Executive Branch records must be addressed to the Assistant Archivist for Records Services—Washington, DC, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. Requests concerning information in Presidential libraries must be addressed to the Assistant Archivist for Presidential Libraries, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001.
(d) Any such written request must include all of the following:
(1) A description of the records or donated materials involved, identified with sufficient specificity to enable NARA to locate it with a reasonable amount of effort;
(2) An explanation as to why the records should be closed and reviewed;
(3) A statement as to the authority for any classification or reclassification, to include a reference to the specific category in section 1.4 or 3.3(b) of E.O. 12958, as appropriate; and
(4) Any information the agency may have concerning any previous public disclosure of the information. NARA will assist by providing information.