1260.58—What are the procedures for requesting a mandatory review of White House originated information?

(a) Requests for mandatory review must describe the document or material containing the information with sufficient specificity to enable NARA to locate it with a reasonable amount of effort.
(b) If the document or information has been properly reviewed for declassification within the past 2 years, or if the specific information is the subject of pending litigation, NARA will inform the requester of this fact and of the requester's appeal rights.
(c) If NARA determines that a requester has submitted a request for the same information or material under both the mandatory review and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as amended, the request will be treated as a request under the FOIA, unless the requested information or materials are subject only to mandatory review.
(d) NARA will promptly acknowledge to the requester the receipt of a request for White House originated information.
(e) If the requested information is less than 25 years old, NARA will consult with agencies having primary subject matter interest. NARA will forward copies of the requested materials to the agencies and request their recommendations regarding declassification.
(f) If the requested records are more than 25 years old, NARA will review the records using systematic declassification guidance provided by the originating agency and agencies having equities in the information. If the originating agency, or agencies having equities in the information have not provided systematic declassification guidance, or if there is a question regarding the guidance, NARA will refer any requested documents it is unable to declassify to the appropriate agency or agencies for their recommendations regarding declassification.
(g) NARA will notify the requester of the results and furnish copies of the documents declassified in full and in part. If the requested records are not declassified in their entirety, NARA will send the requester a brief statement of the reasons the information cannot be declassified and a notice of the right to appeal the determination within 60 calendar days to the Deputy Archivist of the United States, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001.