1260.40—How are records at NARA reviewed for declassification?

(a) Consistent with the requirements on automatic declassification in section 3.3 of EO 12958, as amended, NARA staff may conduct systematic reviews for declassification of records for which the originating agencies have provided declassification guidance. The originating agency must review records for which it has not provided declassification guidance.
(b) Agencies may choose to review their own records that have been transferred to NARA's legal custody, by sending personnel to the NARA facility where the records are located to conduct the declassification review.
(c) Classified materials in the Presidential Library system may be referred to agencies holding equity in the documents via the Remote Archives Capture (RAC)Project. The RAC Project is a collaborative program to implement the declassification provisions of E.O. 12958, as amended, with respect to twenty-five year old or older classified holdings in the Presidential Libraries. Classified Presidential materials at the libraries are scanned and brought to the Washington, DC, metropolitan area in electronic form for review by equity- holding agencies in the metropolitan area.