1258.1—What is the authority for this part?

(a) 44 U.S.C. 2116(c) authorizes NARA to charge a fee for making or authenticating copies or reproductions of materials transferred to the Archivist's custody. This fee is to be “fixed by the Archivist at a level which will recover, so far as practicable, all elements of such costs and may, in the Archivist's discretion, include increments for the estimated replacement costs of equipment.” The fees collected for reproductions are to be paid into and expended as part of the National Archives Trust Fund.
(b) 44 U.S.C. 2307 authorizes the Archivist of the United States, as Chairman of the National Archives Trust Fund Board, to sell copies of microfilm publications at a price that will cover their cost, plus 10 percent.