1254.2—Does NARA provide information about documents?

(a) Upon request, we provide overall information about our holdings or about specific documents, if the time required to furnish the information is not excessive and if the information is not restricted (see part 1256 of this chapter ). For anyone unable to visit, we may provide information contained in specific documents by offering copies of the documents for a fee (see § 1254.60 ).
(b) Requests must be on designated forms when we require them. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approves these forms as information collections and the forms bear the approved control number.
(c) If requests that we receive in the normal course of reference service do not specifically cite the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552, as amended), we do not consider those requests made under the Act. To make a request under the Act, follow the procedures in part 1250 of this chapter.