1254.108—What are NARA's requirements for the microfilming process?

(a) Your equipment must conform to the equipment standards in § 1254.106.
(b) You must handle documents according to the training and instructions provided by our staff so that documents are not damaged during copying and so that their original order is maintained. Only persons who have attended NARA training will be permitted to handle the documents or supervise microfilming operations. We charge you fees for training services and these fees will be based on direct salary costs (including benefits) and any related supply costs. We specify these fees in the written agreement we require for project approval in § 1254.102(h).
(c) You may microfilm documents from only one file unit at a time. After you complete microfilming, you must return documents you removed from files for microfilming to their original position in the file container, refasten any fasteners you removed to facilitate copying, and remove any tabs you placed on the documents to identify items to copy. We will provide fasteners for replacement as necessary.
(d) You may not leave documents unattended on the copying equipment or elsewhere.
(e) Under normal microfilming conditions, actual copying time per sheet must not exceed 30 seconds.
(f) You must turn off any lights used with the camera when the camera is not in actual operation.
(g) You may operate microfilm equipment only in the presence of the research room attendant or a designated NARA employee. If NARA places microfilm projects in a common research area with other researchers, the project will not be required to pay for monitoring that is ordinarily provided. If the microfilm project is performed in a research room set aside for copying and filming, we charge the project fees for these monitoring services and these fees will be based on direct salary costs (including benefits). When more than one project share the same space, monitoring costs will be divided equally among the projects. We specify the monitoring service fees in the written agreement required for project approval in § 1254.102(h).
(h) The equipment normally should be in use each working day that it is in a NARA facility. The director of the NARA facility (as defined in § 1252.2 of this chapter) decides when you must remove equipment because of lack of regular use. You must promptly remove equipment upon request of the facility director.
(i) We assume no responsibility for loss or damage to microfilm equipment or supplies you leave unattended.
(j) We inspect the microform output at scheduled intervals during the project to verify that the processed film meets the microfilm preparation and filming standards required by part 1230 of this chapter. To enable us to properly inspect the film, we must receive the film within 5 days after it has been processed. You must provide NARA with a silver halide duplicate negative of the filmed records (see § 1254.100(g)) according to the schedule shown in paragraph (k). If the processed film does not meet the standards, we may require that you refilm the records.
(k) When you film 10,000 or fewer images, you must provide NARA with a silver halide duplicate negative upon completion of the project. When the project involves more than 10,000 images, you must provide a silver halide duplicate negative of the first completed roll or segment of the project reproducing this image count to NARA for evaluation. You also must provide subsequent completed segments of the project, in quantities approximating 100,000 or fewer images, to NARA within 30 days after filming unless we approve other arrangements.
(l) If the microfilming process is causing visible damage to the documents, such as flaking, ripping, separation, fading, or other damage, filming must stop immediately and until the problems can be addressed.