1250.82—How will NARA handle a FOIA request for confidential commercial information?

If NARA receives a FOIA request for records containing confidential commercial information or for records that we believe may contain confidential commercial information and if the information is less than 10 years old, we will follow these procedures:
(a) If, after reviewing the records in response to a FOIA request, we believe that the records may be opened, we will make reasonable efforts to inform the submitter of this. When the request is for information from a single or small number of submitters, NARA will send a notice via registered mail to the submitter's last known address. Our notice to the submitter will include a copy of the FOIA request and will tell the submitter the time limits and procedures for objecting to the release of the requested material.
(b) The submitter will have 5 working days from the receipt of our notice to object to the release and to explain the basis for the objection. The NARA FOIA Officer may extend this period for an additional 5 working days.
(c) NARA will review and consider all objections to release that are received within the time limit. If we decide to release the records, we will inform the submitter in writing. This notice will include copies of the records as we intend to release them and our reasons for deciding to release. We will also inform the submitter that we intend to release the records 10 working days after the date of the notice unless a U.S. District Court forbids disclosure.
(d) If the requester files a lawsuit under the FOIA for access to any withheld records, we will inform the submitter.
(e) We will notify the requester whenever we notify the submitter of the opportunity to object or to extend the time for objecting.