1250.8—Does NARA provide access to all the executive branch records housed at NARA facilities?

(a) NARA provides access to the records NARA creates (operational records) and records originating in other Federal agencies that have been transferred to the legal custody of the Archivist of the United States (archival records).
(b) Twentieth-century personnel and medical records of former members of the military and of former civilian employees of the Federal government are held at NARA's National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), located in St. Louis, Missouri. These records remain in the legal custody of the agencies that created them and access to them is governed by the FOIA and other access regulations of the creating agencies. The NPRC processes FOIA requests under authority delegated by the originating agencies, not under the provisions of this part.
(c) In our national and regional records centers, NARA stores records that agencies no longer need for day-to-day business. These records remain in the legal custody of the agencies that created them. Access to these records is through the originating agency. NARA does not process FOIA requests for these records.