1250.56—Fee schedule for NARA operational records.

In responding to FOIA requests for operational records, NARA will charge the following fees, where applicable, unless we have given you a reduction or waiver of fees under § 1250.60.
(a) Search fees— (1) Manual searching of records. When the search is relatively straightforward and can be performed by a clerical or administrative employee, the search rate is $16 per hour (or fraction thereof). When the request is more complicated and must be done by a professional employee of NARA, the rate is $33 per hour (or fraction thereof)
(2) Computer searching. This is the actual cost to NARA of operating the computer and the salary of the operator. When the search is relatively straightforward and can be performed by a clerical or administrative employee, the search rate is $16 per hour (or fraction thereof). When the request is more complicated and must be done by a professional employee of NARA, the rate is $33 per hour (or fraction thereof).
(b) Review fees. (1) Review fees are charged for time spent examining all documents that are responsive to a request to determine if any are exempt from release and to determine if NARA will release exempted records.
(2) The review fee is $33 per hour (or fraction thereof).
(3) NARA will not charge review fees for time spent resolving general legal or policy issues regarding the application of exemptions.
(c) Reproduction fees— (1) Self-service photocopying. At NARA facilities with self-service photocopiers, you may make reproductions of released paper documents for 15 cents per page.
(2) Photocopying standard size pages. This charge is 20 cents per page when NARA produces the photocopies.
(3) Reproductions of electronic records. The direct costs to NARA for staff time for programming, computer operations, and printouts or electromagnetic media to reproduce the requested information will be charged to requesters. When the work is relatively straightforward and can be performed by a clerical or administrative employee, the rate is $16 per hour (or fraction thereof). When the request is more complicated and must be done by a professional employee of NARA, the rate is $33 per hour (or fraction thereof).
(4) Copying other media. This is the direct cost to NARA of the reproduction. Specific charges will be provided upon request.