1225.22—When must scheduled records be rescheduled?
Agencies must submit an SF 115, Request for Records Disposition Authority, to NARA in the following situations:
If an interagency reorganization reassigns functions to an existing department or agency, the gaining organization must submit an SF 115 to NARA within one year of the reorganization. Schedules approved for one department or independent agency do not apply to records of other departments or agencies.
If a new department or agency assumes functions from an existing one, the new agency must schedule records documenting the acquired functions and all other records not covered by the GRS within two years.
If an agency needs to change retention periods for records previously appraised as temporary by NARA.
If an agency needs to change the approved disposition of records from permanent to temporary or vice versa.
If an agency needs to modify the description of records because the informational content of the records and/or the function documented by the records changes.
If an agency decides to change the scope of the records schedule items to include a greater or lesser aggregation of records (see § 1225.12(c) ), unless § 1225.24 applies.
Agencies must submit a new schedule to NARA for electronic versions of previously scheduled records if:
The content and function of the records have changed significantly (e.g., the electronic records contain information that is substantially different from the information included in the hard copy series or are used for different purposes).
The electronic records consist of temporary program records maintained in a format other than scanned image AND the previously approved schedule is not media neutral.