253.241—Applicability of existing law and civil service regulations.
The provisions of 5 U.S.C. 7501 are applicable to the removal or suspension of those employees to whom such provisions were applicable immediately prior to January 19, 1959.
The provisions of 5 CFR Part 752, and Title 5, United States Code, pertaining to adverse actions, are applicable to preference eligibles to the extent and in the manner specified therein.
The provisions of 5 CFR Part 351 and Title 5, United States Code, pertaining to reductions in force, are applicable to all reduction-in-force actions.
The provisions of 5 U.S. Code, section 5596 shall be applicable to any person whose removal or suspension under an agency's system established by § 253.262 is determined to have been unjustified or unwarranted after review in accordance with procedures of the employing agency.