10.7—How your Privacy Act request will be handled.
The system manager or the Agency Records Officer will acknowledge receipt of your request within ten working days. At the same time, or as soon as possible after acknowledging receipt, that official will:
Tell you that a record about you is maintained in the system of records you identified and tell how you may review it, or get a copy; or
Tell you that your inquiry cannot be answered or your request cannot or will not be granted because you have not adequately identified yourself or the system of records; because the system of records in question is exempt from the access provisions of the Privacy Act; or because the record or system of records in question is not under the control of the Commission.
When the system manager or the Agency Records Officer makes a decision to grant you access to the records you requested, you normally may see the records or get copies of them right away. If, for any reason, the records cannot be provided immediately, that official will arrange with you a mutually acceptable time and place for you to review and copy the records. If that official cannot make the records available to you within 30 working days of receipt of your request, that official will advise you in writing of the reason for the delay.