SUBPART A—General Provisions (§81.1 to §81.20)
- 81.1—Purpose.
- 81.2—Definitions.
- 81.3—Jurisdiction of the Office of Administrative Law Judges.
- 81.4—Membership and assignment to cases.
- 81.5—Authority and responsibility of an Administrative Law Judge.
- 81.6—Hearing on the record.
- 81.7—Non-party participation.
- 81.8—Representation.
- 81.9—Location of proceedings.
- 81.10—Ex parte communications.
- 81.11—Motions.
- 81.12—Filing requirements.
- 81.13—Mediation.
- 81.14—Settlement negotiations.
- 81.15—Evidence.
- 81.16—Discovery.
- 81.17—Privileges.
- 81.18—The record.
- 81.19—Costs and fees of parties.
- 81.20—Interlocutory appeals to the Secretary from rulings of an ALJ.