685.402—Criteria for schools to originate loans.

(a) Initial determination of origination status— (1) Standard origination. Any school eligible to participate in the Direct Loan Program under § 685.400 is eligible to participate under standard origination.
(2) School Origination. To be eligible to originate loans, a school must meet the following criteria:
(i) Have participated in the Federal Perkins Loan Program, the Federal Pell Grant Program, or, for a graduate and professional school, a similar program for the three most recent years preceding the date of application to participate in the Direct Loan Program.
(ii) If participating in the Federal Pell Grant Program, not be on the reimbursement system of payment.
(iii) In the opinion of the Secretary, have had no severe performance deficiencies for any of the programs under title IV of the Act, including deficiencies demonstrated by the most recent audit or program review.
(iv) Be financially responsible in accordance with the standards of 34 CFR 668.15.
(v) Be current on program and financial reports and audits required under title IV of the Act for the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of application to participate in the Direct Loan Program.
(vi) Be current on Federal cash transaction reports required under title IV of the Act for the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of application to participate in the Direct Loan Program and have no final determination of cash on hand that exceeds immediate title IV program needs.
(vii) Have no material findings in any of the annual financial audits submitted for the three most recent years preceding the date of application to participate in the Direct Loan Program.
(viii) Provide an assurance that the school has no delinquent outstanding debts to the Federal Government, unless—
(A) Those debts are being repaid under or in accordance with a repayment arrangement satisfactory to the Federal Government; or
(B) The Secretary determines that the existence or amount of the debts has not been finally determined by the cognizant Federal agency.
(3) A school that meets the criteria to originate loans may participate under school origination option 1 or 2 or under standard origination.
(b) Change in origination status. (1) After the initial determination of a school's origination status, the Secretary may allow a school that does not qualify to originate loans under either origination option 1 or origination option 2 to do so if the Secretary determines that the school is fully capable of originating loans under one of those options.
(2) (i) At any time after the initial determination of a school's origination status, a school participating under origination option 2 may request to change to origination option 1 or standard origination, and a school participating under origination option 1 may request to change to standard origination.
(ii) The change in origination status becomes effective when the school receives notice of the Secretary's approval, unless the Secretary specifies a later date.
(3) (i) A school participating under origination option 1 may apply to participate under option 2, and a school participating in standard origination may apply to participate under either origination option 1 or 2 after one full year of participation in its initial origination status.
(ii) Applications to participate under another origination option are considered on an annual basis.
(iii) An application to participate under another origination option is evaluated on the basis of criteria and performance standards established by the Secretary, including but not limited to—
(A) Eligibility under paragraph (a)(2) of this section;
(B) Timely submission of accurate origination and disbursement records;
(C) Successful completion of reconciliation on a monthly basis; and
(D) Timely submission of completed and signed promissory notes, if applicable.
(iv) The change in origination status becomes effective when the school receives notice of the Secretary's approval, unless the Secretary specifies a later date.
(c) Secretarial determination of change in origination status. (1) At any time after a school has been approved to originate loans, the Secretary may require a school participating under origination option 2 to convert to option 1 or to standard origination and may require a school participating under origination option 1 to convert to standard origination.
(2) The Secretary may require a school to change origination status if the Secretary determines that such a change is necessary to ensure program integrity or if the school fails to meet the criteria and performance standards established by the Secretary, including but not limited to—
(i) For an origination option 1 school, eligibility under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the timely submission of completed and signed promissory notes and accurate origination and disbursement records, and the successful completion of reconciliation on a monthly basis; and
(ii) For an origination option 2 school, the criteria and performance standards required of origination option 1 schools and accurate and timely drawdown requests.
(3) The change in origination status becomes effective when the school receives notice of the Secretary's approval, unless the Secretary specifies a later date.
(d) Origination by consortia. A consortium of schools may participate under origination options 1 or 2 only if all members of the consortium are eligible to participate under paragraph (a)(2) of this section. All provisions of this section that apply to an individual school apply to a consortium.
(e) School determination of change of Servicer. (1) The Secretary assigns one or more Servicers to work with a school to perform certain functions relating to the origination and servicing of Direct Loans.
(2) A school may request the Secretary to designate a different Servicer. Documentation of the unsatisfactory performance of the school's current Servicer must accompany the request. The Servicer requested must be one of those approved by the Secretary for participation in the Direct Loan Program.
(3) The Secretary grants the request if the Secretary determines that—
(i) The claim of unsatisfactory performance is accurate and substantial; and
(ii) The Servicer requested by the school can accommodate such a change.
(4) If the Secretary denies the school's request based on a determination under paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section, the school may request another Servicer.
(5) The change in Servicer is effective when the school receives notice of the Secretary's approval, unless the Secretary specifies a later date.
(f) Determination of eligibility for multi-year use of the Master Promissory Note. (1) A school must be authorized by the Secretary to use a single Master Promissory Note (MPN) as the basis for all loans borrowed by a student or parent borrower for attendance at that school. A school that is not authorized by the Secretary for multi-year use of the MPN must obtain a new MPN from a student or parent borrower for each academic year.
(2) To be authorized for multi-year use of the MPN, a school must—
(i) Be a four-year or graduate/professional school, or other institution meeting criteria or otherwise designated at the sole discretion of the Secretary; and
(ii) (A) Not be subject to an emergency action or a proposed or final limitation, suspension, or termination action under sections 428(b)(1)(T), 432(h), or 487(c) of the Act; and
(B) Meet other performance criteria determined by the Secretary.
(3) A school that is authorized by the Secretary for multi-year use of the MPN must develop and document a confirmation process in accordance with guidelines established by the Secretary for loans made under the multi-year feature of the MPN.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1087a et seq.)

Code of Federal Regulations

[62 FR 35602, July 1, 1997, as amended at 64 FR 58972, Nov. 1, 1999]