682.713—Disqualification review of limitation, suspension, and termination actions taken by guarantee agencies against a school.

(a) The Secretary reviews a limitation, suspension, or termination action taken by a guaranty agency against a school participating in the FFEL programs to determine if national disqualification is appropriate. Upon completion of the Secretary's review, the Secretary notifies the guaranty agency and the school of his decision by mail.
(b) The Secretary disqualifies a school from participation in the FFEL programs if—
(1) The school waives review by the Secretary; or
(2) The Secretary conducts the review and determines that the limitation, suspension, or termination was imposed in accordance with section 428(b)(1)(T) of the Act.
(c) (1) Disqualification by the Secretary continues until the Secretary is satisfied that—
(i) The school has corrected the failure that led to the limitation, suspension, or termination; and
(ii) There are reasonable assurances that the school will comply with the requirements of the FFEL programs in the future.
(2) Revocation of disqualification by the Secretary does not remove any limitation, suspension, or termination imposed by the agency whose action resulted in the disqualification.
(d) A guaranty agency shall refer a limitation, suspension, or termination action that it takes against a school to the Secretary within 30 days of its final decision to limit, suspend, or terminate the school's eligibility to participate in the agency's program.
(e) The Secretary reviews an agency's limitation, suspension, or termination of a school's eligibility only when the guaranty agency's action is final, i.e., the institution is not entitled to any further appeals within the guaranty agency. A subsequent court challenge to an agency's action does not by itself affect the timing of the Secretary's review.
(f) The guaranty agency's notice to the Secretary regarding a termination action must include a certified copy of the administrative record compiled by the agency with regard to the action. The record must include certified copies of the following documents:
(1) The guaranty agency's letter initiating the action.
(2) The school's response.
(3) The transcript of the agency's hearing.
(4) The decision of the agency's hearing officer.
(5) The decision of the agency on appeal from the hearing officer's decision, if any.
(6) The regulations and written procedures of the agency under which the action was taken.
(7) The audit or program review report or documented basis that led to the action.
(8) All other documents relevant to the action.
(g) The guaranty agency's referral notice to the Secretary regarding a limitation or suspension action must include—
(1) The documents described in paragraph (f) of this section; and
(2) Documents describing and substantiating the existence of one or more of the circumstances described in paragraph (j) of this section.
(h) (1) Within 60 days of the Secretary's receipt of a referral notice described in paragraph (f) or (g) of this section, the Secretary makes an initial assessment, based on the agency's record, as to whether the agency's action appears to comply with section 428(b)(1)(T) of the Act.
(2) In the case of a referral notice described in paragraph (g) of this section, the Secretary also determines whether one or more of the circumstances described in paragraph (j) of this section exist.
(3) If the Secretary concludes that the agency's action appears to comply with section 428(b)(1)(T) of the Act, and, if applicable, one or more of the circumstances described in paragraph (j) of this section exist, the Secretary notifies the school that the Secretary will review the guaranty agency's action to determine whether to disqualify the school from further participation in the FFEL programs and gives the school an opportunity within 30 days from the date the notice is mailed—
(i) To waive the review and be disqualified immediately; or
(ii) To request a review.
(i) The Secretary's review of the guaranty agency's action is limited to—
(1) A review of the written record of the agency's proceedings; and
(2) Whether the agency action was taken in accordance with procedures that were substantially the same as procedures established by the Secretary in 34 CFR part 668, subpart G.
(j) In the case of an action by an agency that limits or suspends a school's eligibility to participate in the agency's program, the agency shall provide the Secretary with a referral as described in paragraph (g) of this section only if—
(1) The school has not corrected the violation. A violation is corrected if, among other things, the school has fully satisfied all liabilities incurred by the school as a result of the violation, including its liability to the Secretary, or the school has arranged to satisfy those liabilities in a manner acceptable to the parties to whom the liabilities are owed;
(2) The school has not provided assurances satisfactory to the agency of future compliance with program requirements; or
(3) The guaranty agency determines that special circumstances warrant disqualification of the school from the FFEL programs for a significant period, notwithstanding the agency's decision not to terminate the school's eligibility to participate in the agency's program.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1845-0020)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1082, 1085, 1094 )

Code of Federal Regulations

[57 FR 60323, Dec. 18, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 9119, Feb. 19, 1993; 64 FR 58965, Nov. 1, 1999]