682.608—Termination of a school's lending eligibility.

(a) General. The Secretary may terminate a school's eligibility to make loans under this part if the school reaches the 15 percent limit on loan defaults described in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The 15 percent limit. (1) The Secretary may terminate a school's eligibility to make loans if at the end of each of the 2 most recent consecutive Federal fiscal years for which data are available, the total amount of loans described in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section is equal to or greater than 15 percent of the total amount of loans described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section as follows:
(i) The original principal amount of all loans the school has ever made that went into default during that period.
(ii) The original principal amount of all loans the school has ever made, including loans in deferment status that—
(A) Were in repayment status at the beginning of that period; or
(B) Entered repayment status during that period.
(2) In making the determination under this section, the Secretary considers the status of all FFEL loans made by the school whether the loans are held by the school or by a subsequent holder.
(c) Exception based on hardship. The Secretary does not terminate a school's lending eligibility under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section if the Secretary determines that the termination would result in a hardship for the school or its students. The Secretary makes this determination if the school shows that—
(1) Termination is not justified in light of recent improvements the school has made in its collection capabilities that will reduce the school's loan default rate significantly within the next year. Examples of these improvements include—
(i) Adopting more efficient collection procedures; or
(ii) Employing increased collection staff; or
(2) Termination would cause a substantial hardship to the school's current or prospective students or their parents based on—
(i) The extent to which the school provides, and expects to continue to provide educational opportunities to economically disadvantaged students as measured by the percentage of students enrolled at the school who—
(A) Are in families that fall within the “low-income family” category used by the Bureau of the Census;
(B) Would not be able to enroll or continue their enrollment at that school without a loan from the school; and
(C) Would not be able to obtain a comparable education at another school;
(ii) The extent to which the school offers educational programs that—
(A) Are unique in the geographical area that the school serves; and
(B) Would not be available to some students if they or their parents could not obtain loans from the school; and
(iii) The quality of improvements the school has made in its—
(A) Management of student financial assistance programs; and
(B) Conformance with sound business practices.
(d) Termination procedures. (1) The Secretary notifies the school of the proposed termination of its lending eligibility and provides an opportunity for a hearing before the Secretary terminates the school under this section.
(2) The Secretary or his designee begins a termination action by sending a notice to the school. The notice is sent by certified mail with return receipt requested. The notice—
(i) Informs the school of the intent to terminate the school's lending eligibility because of the school's default experience;
(ii) Specifies the proposed date the termination becomes effective; and
(iii) Informs the school that it has 15 days to—
(A) Submit any written material it wants considered in determining whether its lending eligibility should be terminated under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, including written material in support of a hardship exception under paragraph (c) of this section; or
(B) Request an oral hearing to show why the school's lending eligibility should not be terminated.
(3) If the school does not request an oral hearing but submits written material, the Secretary or the designated official considers that material and notifies the school as to whether the termination action will be taken.
(4) The Secretary or the designated official (presiding officer) schedules the date and place of a hearing for a school that has requested an oral hearing. The date of the hearing is at least 15 days from the date of receipt of the request. A presiding officer—
(i) Conducts the hearing;
(ii) Considers all written material presented before the hearing and any other material presented during the hearing; and
(iii) Determines if termination of the school's lending eligibility is warranted.
(5) The decision of the designated official is subject to review by the Secretary.
(e) Effects of termination. A school that has its lending eligibility terminated under this section may not—
(1) Make further loans under this part until it has entered into a new guarantee agreement with the Secretary; or
(2) Enter into a new guarantee agreement with the Secretary until at least one year after the school's lending eligibility has been terminated under this section.
(f) Schools under the same ownership. If a school makes loans to students or parents of students in attendance at other schools under the same ownership, the Secretary may make the determination required by this section by—
(1) Treating all of the schools as one school; or
(2) Treating each school on an individual basis.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1077, 1078, 1078-1, 1078-2, 1082, 1085 )