611.51—How does a grantee ensure that a scholarship recipient understands the terms and conditions of the scholarship before the recipient leaves the teacher preparation program?
An institution that provides a scholarship with funds provided under this part must conduct an exit conference with each scholarship recipient before that individual leaves the institution. During the exit conference the institution must give the recipient a copy of any scholarship agreement the recipient has executed.
The institution also must review with the recipient the terms and conditions of the scholarship, including—
How the recipient can confirm whether a school and LEA in which he or she would teach will satisfy the service obligation;
Information that the recipient will need to have the LEA provide to the Department to enable the Secretary to confirm that the recipient is meeting the service obligation;
How the recipient may request a deferment of the service obligation, and information that the recipient should provide the Department in any deferment request;
The consequences of failing to meet the service obligation including, at a minimum, the amount of the recipient's potential indebtedness; the possible referral of the indebtedness to a collection firm, reporting it to a credit bureau, and litigation; and the availability of a monthly payment schedule;
The amount of scholarship assistance and interest charges that the recipient must repay for failing to meet the service obligation; and
The recipient's responsibility to ensure that the Department has a home address and telephone number, and a work address and telephone number until the Secretary has determined that the recipient has fulfilled the service obligation or the recipient's debt has been paid or discharged; and
The follow-up services that the institution will provide the student during his or her first three years of teaching in a high-need school of a high-need LEA.