611.12—What additional selection criteria are used for an application proposing teacher recruitment activities?
In reviewing applications that propose to undertake teacher recruitment activities, the Secretary also considers the following selection criteria:
In addition to the elements contained in § 611.11(a) (Quality of project design), the Secretary considers the extent to which the project addresses—
Systemic efforts to recruit, support, and prepare prospective teachers from disadvantaged and other underrepresented backgrounds.
In addition to the elements contained in § 611.11(b) (Significance), the Secretary considers the applicant's commitment to continue recruitment activities, scholarship assistance, and preparation and support of additional cohorts of new teachers after funding under this part ends.
In addition to the elements contained in § 611.11(c) (Quality of resources), the Secretary considers the impact of the project on high-need LEAs and high-need schools based upon—
The amount of scholarship assistance the project will provide students from federal and non-federal funds;
How those students receiving scholarships will benefit from high-quality teacher preparation and an effective support system during their first three years of teaching.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1840-0007)