535.23—What selection criteria does the Secretary use?

The Secretary uses the following selection criteria to evaluate an application for participation in this program for post-doctoral level fellowships:
(a) Institutional commitment. (35 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the overall strength of the applicant's commitment to meeting the educational needs of LEP children and youth, including consideration of—
(1) The IHE's demonstrated competence and experience in programs and research activities such as those authorized under subpart 2 of part A of title VII of the Act;
(2) The extent to which the IHE's research environment is supportive of the success of post-doctoral Fellows in their research;
(3) The IHE's demonstrated experience in assisting fellowship recipients to find employment in the field of bilingual education;
(4) The IHE's procedures for the dissemination and use of research findings; and
(5) If the IHE has carried out a previous project with funds under title VII of the Act, the applicant's record of accomplishments under that previous project.
(b) Proposed areas of research. (35 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine to what extent—
(1) There is a clear description of the areas of research proposed to be undertaken by the post-doctoral Fellows;
(2) The research to be undertaken by the post-doctoral Fellows is likely to produce new and useful information;
(3) The areas of proposed research relate to the educational needs of LEP children and youth and of the educational personnel that serve that population;
(4) The outcomes of the research and study are likely to benefit the defined target population by improving the academic achievement of LEP children and youth;
(5) The data collection and data analysis plans or research plans and designs are reasonable and sound; and
(6) A project period for completion of the study, consistent with period of availability of post-doctoral fellowships in § 535.42, is specified.
(c) Quality of key faculty members. (20 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the qualifications of the key faculty likely to assist, guide, or mentor post-doctoral Fellows, including the extent to which the faculty's background, education, research interests, and relevant experiences qualify them to support high-quality research and study performed by post-doctoral Fellows.
(d) Adequacy of resources. (10 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine to what extent—
(1) The facilities planned for use are adequate;
(2) The equipment and supplies planned for use are adequate; and
(3) The commitment of the applicant to provide administrative and other necessary support is evident.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1885-0001)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7475 )