491.21—What selection criteria does the Secretary use?

The Secretary uses the following criteria to evaluate an application:
(a) Program factors. (25 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the extent to which—
(1) The program design is tailored to the literacy and basic skills needs of the specific homeless population being served (for example, designs to address the particular needs of single parent heads of households, substance abusers, or the chronically mentally ill);
(2) Cooperative relationships with other service agencies will provide an integrated package of support services to address the most pressing needs of the target group at, or through, the project site. Support services must be designed to bring members of the target group to a state of readiness for instructional services or to enhance the effectiveness of instructional services. Examples of appropriate support services to be provided and funded through cooperative relationships include, but are not limited to—
(i) Assistance with food and shelter;
(ii) Alcohol and drug abuse counseling;
(iii) Individual and group mental health counseling;
(iv) Health care;
(v) Child care;
(vi) Case management;
(vii) Job skills training;
(viii) Employment training and work experience programs; and
(ix) Job placement;
(3) The SEA's application provides for individualized instruction, especially the use of individualized instructional plans or individual education plans that are developed jointly by the student and the teacher and reflect student goals;
(4) The program's activities include outreach services, especially interpersonal contacts at locations where homeless persons are known to gather, and outreach efforts through cooperative relations with local agencies that provide services to the homeless; and
(5) Instructional services will be readily accessible to students, especially the provision of instructional services at a shelter or transitional housing site.
(b) Extent of need for the project. (15 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the extent to which the project meets specific needs in section 702 of the Act, including consideration of—
(1) (i) An estimate of the number of homeless persons expected to be served.
(ii) For the purposes of the count in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, an eligible homeless adult is an individual who has attained 16 years of age or who is beyond the age of compulsory attendance under the applicable State law; who does not have a high school diploma, a GED, or the basic education skills to obtain full-time meaningful employment; and who meets the definition of “homeless or homeless individual” in section 103 of the Act;
(2) How the numbers in paragraph (b)(1) of this section were determined;
(3) The extent to which the target population of homeless to be served in the project needs and can benefit from literacy training and basic skills remediation;
(4) The need of that population for educational services, including their readiness for instructional services and how readiness was assessed; and
(5) How the project would meet the literacy and basic skills needs of the specific target group to be served.
(c) Plan of operation. (15 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the quality of the plan of operation for the project, including—
(1) The establishment of written, measurable goals and objectives for the project that are based on the project's overall mission;
(2) The extent to which the program is coordinated with existing resources such as community-based organizations, VISTA recipients, adult basic education program recipients, nonprofit literacy action organizations, and existing organizations providing shelters to the homeless;
(3) The extent to which the management plan is effective and ensures proper and efficient administration of the project;
(4) How the applicant will ensure that project participants otherwise eligible to participate are selected without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, age, or handicapping condition; and
(5) If applicable, the plan for the local application process and the criteria for evaluating local applications submitted by eligible applicants for contracts or subgrants.
(d) Quality of key personnel. (15 points) (1) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the quality of key personnel the State plans to use on the project, including—
(i) The qualifications of the State coordinator/project director;
(ii) The qualifications of each of the other key personnel to be used by the SEA in the project;
(iii) The time that each person referred to in paragraphs (d) (1) (i) and (ii) of this section will commit to the project; and
(iv) How the applicant, as part of its nondiscriminatory employment practices, will ensure that its personnel are selected for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, age, or handicapping condition.
(2) To determine personnel qualifications under paragraphs (d)(1) (i) and (ii) of this section, the Secretary considers—
(i) Experience and training in fields related to the objectives of the project;
(ii) Experience in providing services to homeless populations;
(iii) Experience and training in project management; and
(iv) Any other qualifications that pertain to the quality of the project.
(e) Budget and cost effectiveness. (5 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the extent to which—
(1) The budget is adequate to support the project;
(2) Costs are reasonable in relation to the objectives of the project; and
(3) The budget is presented in enough detail for determining paragraphs (e) (1) and (2) of this section.
(f) Evaluation plan. (10 points) The Secretary reviews each application to determine the quality of the evaluation plan for the project, including the extent to which the applicant's methods of evaluation—
(1) Objectively, and to the extent possible, quantifiably measure the success, both of the program and of the participants, in achieving established goals and objectives;
(2) Contain provisions that allow for frequent feedback from evaluation data provided by participants, teachers, and community groups in order to improve the effectiveness of the program; and
(3) Include a description of the types of instructional materials the applicant plans to make available and the methods for making the materials available.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1830-0506)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 42 U.S.C. 11421 )

Code of Federal Regulations

[54 FR 34430, Aug. 8, 1989, as amended at 56 FR 13522, Apr. 2, 1991]