489.30—What annual report is required?

(a) Within 90 days after the close of the first calendar year in which a literacy program authorized by § 489.1 is placed in operation, and annually for each of the 4 years thereafter, a grantee shall submit a report to the Secretary with respect to its literacy program.
(b) A report under paragraph (a) of this section must disclose—
(1) The number of persons who were tested for eligibility during the preceding year;
(2) The number of persons who were eligible for the literacy program during the preceding year;
(3) The number of persons who participated in the literacy program during the preceding year;
(4) The name and types of tests that were used to determine functional literacy and the names and types of tests that were used to determine disabilities affecting functional literacy;
(5) The average number of hours of instruction that were provided per week and the average number per student during the preceding year;
(6) Sample data on achievement of participants in the program, including the number of participants who achieved functional literacy;
(7) Data on all direct and indirect costs of the program; and
(8) Information on progress toward meeting the program's goals.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1830-0512)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1211-2(c) )