477.3—What activities may the Secretary fund?

The Secretary may support the following directly or through awards:
(a) An analysis of State plans and of the findings of evaluations conducted in accordance with section 352 of the Act, with suggestions to State educational agencies for improvements in planning or program operation.
(b) The provision of an information network (in conjunction with the National Diffusion Network) on the results of research in adult education, the operation of model or innovative programs (including efforts to continue activities and services under the program after Federal funding has been discontinued), successful experiences in the planning, administration, and conduct of adult education programs, advances in curriculum and instructional practices, and other information useful in the improvement of adult education.
(c) Any other activities, including national policy studies, which the Secretary may designate, that assist States in evaluating the status and progress of adult education in achieving the purposes of the Act.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1213b(a) )