464.11—What must an application contain?

An application must describe how the State or group of States will—
(a) Develop a literacy resource center or expand an existing literacy resource center;
(b) Provide services and activities with the assistance provided under this part;
(c) Ensure access to services of the center for the maximum participation of all public and private programs and organizations providing or seeking to provide basic skills instruction, including local educational agencies, agencies responsible for corrections education, service delivery areas under the Job Training Partnership Act, welfare agencies, labor organizations, businesses, volunteer groups, and community-based organizations;
(d) Address the measurable goals for improving literacy levels as set forth in the plan submitted under section 342 of the Act; and
(e) Develop procedures for the coordination of literacy activities for statewide and local literacy efforts conducted by public and private organizations, and for enhancing the systems of service delivery.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1830-0501)

Code of Federal Regulations

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1208aa(h) )